Utter Nonsense From the Tadpole Prince!

*Thunderous background....

Well people, you've entered the lair of the Tadpole Prince...
It's a very well-made swamp you see, I got gold furniture like that lotus where I chill, the dead alligator where I hang out with some friends... no big... just chillin'... but anyways, this blog is a collection of my quotes and moments. Most of them are funny ones, so... ENJOY!!!

PS: Some of them might be in Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)... heheheh.

One of The Many Books About Me

One of The Many Books About Me
They write many things of me because according to humans, I'm somewhat significant in the whole universe thing... I think it's just because I look good

Friday, 28 August 2009

Rudolph The Cyborg Reindeer

Back in my Exchange Year in Wisconsin, we exchange students had special privileges... that include speaking in weird (a lot find it sexy) accents, putting a "I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT YOU JUST SAID" blank face and actually mean it, making weird (I should say Foreign) noises, and exploring new and very exciting stuff.

One of the best discoveries I made along my exchange year was that I found Rudolph... ish. It was actually a Moose, but it was the next best thing to a reindeer... and it was made of Metal... like a cyborg... an android Moose if you will... but it was so cool. It was made out of Titanium and Stainless Steel, so it won't rust at any weather. I found it in Chicago, when we exchange students had a Chicago trip (Duh)... I HAD to take a picture of it, I don't know when it will fly off to guide Santa when Santa wants to take a trip hazardous nations, or nations at war... since this Moose (Reindeerish) is a cyborg.. and it had a very interesting, distinctive, and intimidating feature the creator decided to include..

.A complete set of the Moose's Genitals. A Titanium Schlong, and a pair of Titanium Ding-Dongs .


"Rudolph the Cyborg Reindeer... Had a pair of shiny balls..."

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Computer Says No....

I LOVE "Little Britain"

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Why I Would NOT Donate Blood

So I had this interesting conversation with Amanda in the morning, and she discussed on how she donated blood that evening (11 hours difference, Michigan-Jakarta). You see, I do support the idea of donating blood that will save a life, or for a better cause, sure. But not my blood. What I don't like about donating blood include several reasons:
  1. I am afraid that the blood will go to a blood bank. Owned by vampires.
  2. I don't like how they advertise the benefits of donating blood: "You'll get a good treat (cookie) after!" or in Indonesia: "You'll get a good treat (bowl of noodles with eggs after!)"... after they pull out half a day's worth of blood out of you.
  3. We as donors only hear half of the story where would our blood go. We never really know what happens beyond those closed doors and with the white coats that (maybe) use our blood as study samples... for cloning... or for vampires...
Another supporting reason on why I WOULD NOT donate blood, is after I hear Amanda's story when she donated blood:

"The nurse said to me: 'YAY YOU'RE SAVING BABIES' and I was like WTF??"

(Imagining the nurse looking perky, holding one big syringe and a bloody hose. I would react the same with her)

"Then I ended up donating blood anyways. They taped me back together, and told me to lift my arm. I got dizzy, hot. and pale! So they gave me an ice pack, and then I laid there for a while. Then I got up, took a bite of a cookie, and felt sick again. I had to lay down again this time. I was freezing after that... Then I had to eat again and go to class...5 people walked me back..."


I was like "Holy Mackarel" when hearing her story... Donating blood is scary... Oh and another reason why I WOULD NOT DONATE BLOOD:

Why would I want my life juice to be pumped out of me? After all, my blood contains my secret mojo that will attract them ladies... See, if my blood gets to a woman... Then she will attract women instead of men, because of my secret mojo in her blood...That would not be pleasant now would it? And Why on earth would I want to give out my secret mojo??


If you happen to see in my blog, some outrageous titles, then it would contain conversations
between me and my good buddy Peter Harris. Why do I give them outrageous titles? Because we have outrageous and fantastically out of the blue stuff to talk about anywhere, anytime, and about everything! For instance:

Peter: "MEAT"
(By Saying MEAT, we greet each other. It's like 'Hello' in normal human tongue)

Peter: "YES, I have discovered another awesome mighty power of the Shadow Stick"
Me: "UTANAPISHTIM! What reign of power have you brought forth??"
Peter: "UTANAPISHTIM! I made the skies rain fires, and fireball hales! PUNEY HUMAN!"
Me: "CRUSH THEM! So, what happens after that?"
Peter: "Well mate... my mom sent me to my room..."

Tuesday, 25 August 2009


Here are my buddies Ian Stall, and Peter Harris.We do a lot of things together. We hunt children, we like women. We eat MEAT. MEAT MEAT MEAT. We have a league, called the SHADOW LEAGUE.


After years of reign, Peter turned out to be the Snow Queen of Narnia (it's because he's partially Canadian and British all together).

As for me, I am prince Caspian.

There are some new addition of the league, new members include:

This is her when she was born, out of a rock. She is the King of Narnia (just because she's like cool, and she owns the SHADOW WHIP, and coincidentally, she's Peter girlfriend.)

HHS in my eyes: A Communist Morning Greeting!

I was an exchange student that was hosted in Wisconsin, and I went to Homestead High School for my final year of high school. There's this very interesting friend of mine, his name is Ilia. He's Russian you see, pureblood, looks the part, talk the talk, and walk the walk. He's cool, not only cool, he's the person you would say: ICE COLD...

We meet every morning in front of History class for our morning chats:

Me: "Hey Ilia! Good morning!"
Ilia: *Nods cooly, "Hey."

knowing how Ilia is, I try to keep the conversation light, and heck, it's in the morning... and so we come up to this topic about having guns in the house, and Ilia declared his point of view:

Ilia: "I think everyone should be allowed to carry a gun, anytime"
Me: "Well this world wouldn't be a happy place now would it?"
Ilia: "It would my friend, after I erase some names of my list."
Me: "As you would shoot them and kill them... I don't think so."
Ilia: "Aha, you see, I will file and report myself as in self-defense"

*Moment of silence, dread, and awkwardness...

Me: "Ilia, are you crazy?"
Ilia: "No. I'm just Russian."

Favorite Stereotypical Russian line:
"In Russia, we stab you with pen. In the Jugular"

My Friend, Fay, With Her View Upon The World.

Back in my early high school days in Jakarta, there were times my classmates and I take time
to sit down together, enjoy lunch, have a few laughs, and talk about profound things in life...
So the day came for us to listen at our dear friend, Fay (it's her nickname), to give her point of view about the world. Do know that Fay is known as a sweet, nice, very intelligent, creative, and good-looking girl... and so she said...

"Nobody's a virgin!"

We were very much in awe on what Fay said that morning, and so we asked "Why do you think nobody's a virgin, Fay?" And she answered:

"Because LIFE, and THE WORLD, my friends, f*%s us all."

Wait, whaa @_@ ???

But Hey, couldn't agree more. Heheh.