Utter Nonsense From the Tadpole Prince!

*Thunderous background....

Well people, you've entered the lair of the Tadpole Prince...
It's a very well-made swamp you see, I got gold furniture like that lotus where I chill, the dead alligator where I hang out with some friends... no big... just chillin'... but anyways, this blog is a collection of my quotes and moments. Most of them are funny ones, so... ENJOY!!!

PS: Some of them might be in Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)... heheheh.

One of The Many Books About Me

One of The Many Books About Me
They write many things of me because according to humans, I'm somewhat significant in the whole universe thing... I think it's just because I look good

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

My Friend, Fay, With Her View Upon The World.

Back in my early high school days in Jakarta, there were times my classmates and I take time
to sit down together, enjoy lunch, have a few laughs, and talk about profound things in life...
So the day came for us to listen at our dear friend, Fay (it's her nickname), to give her point of view about the world. Do know that Fay is known as a sweet, nice, very intelligent, creative, and good-looking girl... and so she said...

"Nobody's a virgin!"

We were very much in awe on what Fay said that morning, and so we asked "Why do you think nobody's a virgin, Fay?" And she answered:

"Because LIFE, and THE WORLD, my friends, f*%s us all."

Wait, whaa @_@ ???

But Hey, couldn't agree more. Heheh.

1 comment:

  1. i like that story well to add more : "life fuck us from every positions" ha ha ha ha
